San Francisco University™, career counselingSanta Cruz Operation

May 4, 1992

To Whom it May Concern,

Viola! Here is an update on career progress and the value of the work I did with David Thiermann...

It had been awhile since we worked together, and many months since we had talked when I happened to meet David again at a local event. Upon seeing him and telling him my news, I started to realize how much of it went back to the visualization and career work we had done together; back to the seeds that were sown in our discussions.

With David's support, and through reading and writing exercises, I learned that the total investment had to be there, within me, to bring about real change in my life and career. I wouldn't have predicted that my next move would encompass both so fully -- and how the sessions with David actually previewed it.

In my situation, I had a great job as a marketing manager at SCO, living by the beach in Santa Cruz. However, I still thirsted for more... for the next challenge... for the next job and lifestyle. I didn't know in what form it would appear. It turns out that it will be as marketing director for SCO France, in Paris. This new position will wrap career challenge in international marketing, lifestyle experiences, language skill development and countless other learning opportunities into one!

It's hard to realize or know at the time (don't even try to, just do it) - that when you work with David and work through your life, you will plant many seeds to reap at a later time. Your visions will bring you the power to achieve; your time with David, the power to pursue.


Susan Teresa Dzieduszycka
Directrice de Marketing, SCO France


San Francisco University™ • David Thiermann • (831) 435-9321